Mummy just got a DSLR camera. It's a pretty low end model costing at $499 only after a discount of $150 from the GSS Sales and instalment of 12 months (Lolz... no money) but its enough to grab the essence of photograph that she wants. When mummy has more money,hopefully she can get a better zoom lens with a powerful aperture.

Speed and Aperture was what mummy was looking for... Taking photos for me has always been a challenge since I was a baby. To grab the sudden smile or happiness and joy, mummy's old camera always ended up blur and couldn't make it. The clarity or effects DSLR provides are amazing .
But having a DSLR doesn't means you get instant results. In the beginning stage,mummy couldn't understand how to work with this camera thus all her photos looks very normal or worse than a normal camera. Luckily there was a free class from Sony and after attending, her pictures will improving day by day and practice makes perfect thus day by day getting more and more satisfying photos. Hopefully will improve and make fully use of the photos.
After getting DSLR is not enough,editing also plays a good part out of it like making the photo to sepia or B&W color,increasing the brightness should it be too dark, contrast,saturation,tone,and even removing pimples to futhur improve the picture.
While mummy is still learning, and hopefully will have more better photos in the future... Yipee!

Speed and Aperture was what mummy was looking for... Taking photos for me has always been a challenge since I was a baby. To grab the sudden smile or happiness and joy, mummy's old camera always ended up blur and couldn't make it. The clarity or effects DSLR provides are amazing .
But having a DSLR doesn't means you get instant results. In the beginning stage,mummy couldn't understand how to work with this camera thus all her photos looks very normal or worse than a normal camera. Luckily there was a free class from Sony and after attending, her pictures will improving day by day and practice makes perfect thus day by day getting more and more satisfying photos. Hopefully will improve and make fully use of the photos.
After getting DSLR is not enough,editing also plays a good part out of it like making the photo to sepia or B&W color,increasing the brightness should it be too dark, contrast,saturation,tone,and even removing pimples to futhur improve the picture.
While mummy is still learning, and hopefully will have more better photos in the future... Yipee!