Dad." why r u wearing the container?"
Qiqi." no daddy this is my chef hat."
Daddy speechless and laugh. Children being children, she is so cute we just cant resist her innocence.

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To prepare this day, I went online Party City to get Hello Kitty balloons, plates and goodie bag, candles via overseas cause in Singapore it’s really expensive to get from the stores.
When Alicia was in her assembly with the other kids, she saw us in the classroom with cakes and goodie bag she was thrilled and showed off “Today is my Birthday.” The teacher brought them in the classroom and all sang a birthday song for her.
Let me introduce Qiqi class mates cum friends in school. Starting from the left
Mckayla, Darell, Levonne, MayZin, Kazel, Ashley, Daniel and not forgetting Teacher Ai Lin. These are her favorite friends at school that you can hear her talk about them sometimes out of the blue at home. It was a fun day with the kids.
After school, we brought Qiqi to an indoor playground and let her play to her heart contents and sure indeed we had a hard time persuading to move the 2nd destination when the playground was closing.
Our next destination was Robinson, was something that I have been aiming for so long but Singapore didn’t import till few days before her birthday. It was like meant for her fated just before her birthday to reach Singapore. It was Leapfrog leappad. It’s a game controller that teaches educational games and looks like an Ipad. The games will let her learn phonics, math, alphabets and so many other things. It was a very good learning device that allows her to play and learn at the same time. After much decision, Daddy and Mummy decided to buy for her.
And finally the day ended at Swensen as Alicia wanted ice cream, showing off her present, we had an unforgettable and enjoyable day.
啊姨 and 外公 decorated the house with balloons and Happy Birthday banner. We all have birthday hats to wear.
Baby Candice also starts to walk around and play with Qiqi.
Mummy also brought a new Princess dress for me and I love it so much.
To match my Hello Kitty theme I wore a white Hello Kitty blouse to match the dress. And of course the Hello kitty cake that I choose, we celebrated it with joy.
August 23rd is one of the days I look forward every single year for Alicia, even my own birthday was not that important. I recalled when I was young, I long for a birthday party every single year and only when I was Primary 2 then I get to invite 2 of my closest friend over to my house for a mini birthday party. It was one of a childhood memory that I didn’t forget. The photos when you are young let u remember the good old days when we were celebrating and I hope to take this photos so she can remember how everyone loved her and celebrated her birthday. Birthday parties are a joyous event and never failed to make the birthday girl/boy smile when they blow the candles. Not only the birthday girl is happy, her friends are happy to receive goodie bags and presents. The joy and happiness from the children is something money and not enough time can’t buy. It was something worthwhile to make the effort and let everyone be happy. It’s a memory I hope to give her so she can remember that she have a happy childhood and flip through the photos and tell her how mummy and daddy loves her.
And of course from 3 years old onwards, Alicia is equally excited as me or maybe more excited than me that I don’t even dare to mention to her for worried she will feel sad when the day has not arrived. She can even remember her last year’s birthday having a Barney cake. This year she would like to have Hello Kitty cake thus mummy made a Hello Kitty theme for her. Since July she will ask me when her birthday is, and then I will tell her you have to wait for Jeijei’s birthday then Philip birthday then Mummy’s birthday then it’s your birthday. When it hasn’t reach, she will get sad, sometimes angry sometimes overjoyed as time its reaching… And she keeps asking me this question till finally August came and she starts to see me preparing her birthday party when I purchase her goodie bag items and birthday party things. This year she gets to celebrate twice with mummy’s family and another with her lettterland friends which I will blog in another post celebrated at her actual birthday.
It is also the day she was born and let me remember the day where from the time my water bag broke, feel the labor pains, unable to come out and in to the operation day. The first look when I see her is how much she looks like her daddy. It was a day I hope I will never forget. This year it Is also a year where all parents will say, “This few years of age is the happiest , wait till they grow older they will not even want you to be around“ Indeed you never fail to make me happy every single day which I hope you will prove the other people wrong and grow up still loving us like always like now.
And if one day, she would see this blog, I hope it will tell her all the interesting things she have done and never failed to thrill her mummy. I also hope to tell her to be a filial daughter, be respectful to elderly, be courteous, and most importantly study and work hard in whatever you do. Make sure every action you decide you do not regret, and even if you do, learn from it and do it better the next time.
Happy Birthday my precious darling.
Alicia Growing Day by Day Copyright © 2009 Flower Garden is Designed by Ipietoon for Tadpole's Notez Flower Image by Dapino