
Zoo Off we go!

During Hari Raya, mummy book a free pass for 4 person from her company and brought me, daddy, jingsi and xiumei jei jei to the Zoo again. This round I appreciate the animals even better.

Upon seeing them, I will say
-shu3 shu3 (mouse deer)
-rabbit and so much more

It was so much fun with 2 jei jeis, running around, imitating the sound the animals make and at the very end after playing with the water play, I was so exhausted and fall asleep. Share with u the photos..

"Travelling by bus is too slow. I take via crocodile"

"Take photo with the jei jeis"

"Photo Time with daddy and mummy"

"I am being captured by the big box and daddy,mummy! Tiger pounding on us liao. U guys still taking photo"

"Totally concentrated with the elephants"

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Alicia Growing Day by Day Copyright © 2009 Flower Garden is Designed by Ipietoon for Tadpole's Notez Flower Image by Dapino