Time fly so fast. It’s been a year since I blog and ½ a year since Alicia went to Childcare. Indeed Alicia has grown a lot within a year and below I shall update what she have learnt in Childcare and the changes since then.
- Her usual routine when she is back from home is take off her shoes and go to toilet wash her hands and legs.
- She can wear her own shoes and socks at the right foot
- She can self feed and self drink herself
- Her vocabulary is getting so strong she can understand what we are talking and talk to us in English with 3-4 words
- She can say 1-10 without assistance
- She can beat the beat of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
- She starts singing
- She goes to school not crying and put her water bottle at the right place.
- She draws circle and like to color
- She like to play with her kitchen set and really imitate washing her spoon and giving mummy and daddy a cup of tea and cooking her food.
- She can built something out from a lego set...etc
Indeed Childcare makes wonders.....