Time really fly fast! I recall when she was just 2 Years old and I was thinking the meter at my blog to 3 years is still so far away and puffed 1 year has passed. 1 Year many things has changed. She stopped schooling for almost half a year, we got a maid to take care of her, she becomes so talkative and playful, she is more healthy now, she is more independent and glad to say many of her bad habits like beating people and bad manners has gone away for now. We still keep our fingers crossed that she behave well and grow up to be a useful person. She also have 2 new cousins in this year and she is a big sister now.

I recall the days where she was just a baby and her first day bringing her home was a nightmare as we didnt sleep at all cause she refused to sleep. It was a new experience for me and my hubby,everything was new and we have to learn everything of taking care of her. Many times, there were differences taking care and sometimes we quarrel, it was a challenge for us to take care of her. The usual peaceful and freetime that we used to have are no longer there for us. Time becomes not enough, we sometimes neglect the closeness we used to enjoy. We become tiring and start to quarrel for some things we disagree on. It sours the relationship. However we learn something which always helps. If its not life threatening,sometimes giving in,closing one eye and compromising makes things easier. We are also a parent now, our child is totally dependent on us physically and mentally. If we let go our spouse because of this, end of the day,the one affected is the child. Remember the good points, forget the bad points. Marriage is not just me and you anymore, cause the day u decide to have this baby its about them too.
Giving the child the best may be good but sometimes if we learn to give in to each other, helping each other, taking care of a baby will be a breeze. Lately I have a lot of friends who just turn mummies experiencing this problems, they become frustrated with their partners, or just fed up with parenthood where their children are just infants which I just wana share with them -Many of the experienced mummies always says endure the first year and time will get better ...When time past taking care of them will be easy ad the fun starts to kick in. Now I think back and think its not so bad after all and Alicia was afterall an unforgettable experience I will never forget and regret when she was less than 1 year old.. Now Alicia is still such a joy for us now. I am happy when she is happy. Her smile and happiness will just tell me everything is all worth it!
Every mummies and daddies Endure! Also dont forget your spouse! Think for each other,help each other to make parenthood an enjoyable one~