Alicia started her childcare at 1 Dec 2011 at Agape. This is first day of school and alicia woke up earlier than usual.

The children were watching tv and some were having breakfast. The bad part i think about this school is they like to drown the children with tv programs and the whole morning it was almost just tv, national anthem and karaok. It was quite dissapointing that they can do a lot of things instead like morning exercise, read a storybook, talk abt safety, teach children songs and nursery rhymes. They gave me the feeling like they were passing by time with no plan of what they want to do. The teachers can do things halfway and suddenly switch to another activity. It let me remember the days where qiqi was in first skool and i try not to think abt it. I just had to keep telling myself its dec and they have no curriculam to teach the children.

But of course yet it was still not as bad as first skool experience but its just that alicia previous preschool really spoilt the market and they were really good i just cant help comparing. choice..Last year my expectation to the school is education is very important but nw childcarin is also important thus i couldnt be fussy and pick on it. It let me wonder are all childcare like that? I decided to close two eyes...

Of course they arent all that bad.. I personally find the school makes a lot of effort decorating the school making it bright and cheerful. They even have a website for the parents to view what the kids have learnt or doing at school.This was a plus point. They even create a file for all the children with a lot of pictures of the past half year and their progress. This i nv saw it at first skool nor kidzone,

And there are so many fun trips for the children every term which is also a plus point cause i wan alicia to enjoy and love her school. Thus i decided to press on. Hopefully after the transit is over, it will be much better. Press on! Qiqi and mummy!

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