
First Dental Appt

During the hong kong trip, to pacify alicia whenever she throw a tantrum waiting during the long queues, we prepared a lot of sweets and junkfood. But in the end after a lot of sweet stuff, she got a toothache so we decided its time to bring her to the dentist when we are back in Sg.

It was located at citysquare. The place where she have her chinese class.

When we reached there, the parents was serve with milo and u get to use a premium massage chair.

The dental room have bears, pretty designed with wall paper and a tv to distract the kiddos.

It was so good that even mummy and daddy was so worried it will be expensive...

At the end of the session, alicia didnt want to leave as she was watching the cartoon. The dentist said she had 4 very small fillings but no action is required as they are really small so she did a scaling and polishing and we left for payment. Total cost:$90.

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