While, since home is starting to short of money I have no choice but to return back to workforce and lucky for me my 2nd job interview I got the job. Next Monday will be going back to work and I really don bear to go back to working life. I make use of this few days and settle down alicia. She got her uniform and starting to wear liao, her timing for sleeping is right already, she is eating more than previously, she becomes more active recently and can more conversational than previously. "Eg: last time she cry for me now she calls for me". I really will miss fetching her cause now daddy will hav to fetch her,miss seeing her running around during the outdoor activities where I peep and see whats she's doing and so worried she will scared when i go to work and I cant be there for her already.
Can only trust the teachers that she is settled down liao and hope soon gradually she starts to express herself then she can tell me what happens in school. Pray hard she enjoys school and cry lesser every day.
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